Wednesday, June 17, 2009

.site visit.

.blog ini agak suram dan sunggul tanpa gamba.
.jadi, saya mau share some of the pictures taken during my site visit :).


celcom logistic

.padangan luar yer.


.feed horn.

.repair room.
.tempat repair IDU and ODU.

.Amsteel Megasteel Sdn Bhd.

.antenna tu kat atas skali oke!.

.i'm glad i made it! (padahal br separuh jalan ni).

.Line Of Sight.

sekian sahaja lawatan sambil belajar kite yer anak2..
hope for more site visit..
opis tak fun.. hehe.. :)


I.n.t.a.n said...

apekah ko suram dan sunggul..
bukan sugul ke?

shidaroslin said...

tape2.. saje je tmbh supaya kelihatan lebih fun! :))