Wednesday, July 28, 2010

the day after tomorrow


the day after tomorrow..
is the day where all the hats on the  head of graduating students (mmu i meant) will fly up up up high in the sky..
it's our convocation day laaa.. hehe..
i pray that me and my friends will have a good career and we have a bright future indeed..

yeah.. i do missed the students life..
what I've miss the most is of cos my beloved adorable lovable kind hearted bestest among all, my diorest jimmy choo petomss..
no more eating steaks in doorymilianne's room..
no more bullying yani and dodot..
no more waking up naddy nad,
no more baa black sheep here and there..
haihh.. nonono.. there's more...
there's more petom's wed invitation..
meaning more reunions coming up! lol..
maybe one of us will have kids first..
so excited on what we are going through after this..
and helloooo... our technology is upgrading fast and now we have hsbb right??
wait no more.. install hsbb now!! (promoteee! lol)
and hellooo we can always call..
do contact each other..
facebooking and blooging.. update2..

dear petoms,

we've been through all the good and hard times together..
yet our friendship still strong..
i hope our friendship will remains forever and ever and ever..
till death do us apart.. 
love you petomssss! ;)
and thanks for everything...

to petam,
thanks for everything..
you're the bestest pals i've ever met.
thank you for all your helps, support and being the best friends. 



Saturday, July 24, 2010


kisahku di melaka tergantung bukan?
tiada mood nak update blog setelah kejadian yang berlaku di melaka..
oleh kerana kelakuan sesetengah orang yang langsung tiada sivik or should i say uncivilized people..
alhamdulillah, i've overcome the heartache. biar tuhan sahaja membalas.. aku cube tidak berburuk sangka.. tp kalau ko ko ko ko ko dan ko dtg umah aku, aku xmo idang air jangan marah la k.. kalo aku idang air buh aku bancuh ngan garam.. grr.. ergh! lega!
thanks to my dear kak hes, for listening.. when things like this happened, i would say that the one imiss most is kak mummy.. i miss u kakak.. huhu.. orang kata yang pergi usah dikenang.. yang ada kita hargai bukan? jasa kak mummy memang takkan sekali dilupakan.. semoga rohmu sentiasa ditempatkan dikalangan orang orang yang soleh/solehah..
oh! masih mahu lihat gambar di melaka?? lihat saje di fb..

oh yer, i'm hired. I'm officially a TM employee.. Alhamdulillah..
sesudah terima tawaran kontrak setahun bersama TM, saya terus ke kem induksi TM di Taiping.
Harapan? bekerja bersungguh-sungguh agar bole jadi pekerja tetap dan berbakti untuk ahli keluarga tercinta. aminn.. seronok juga kem induksi.. ramai rakan-rakan scholars mmu pun induksi di sana.. seronok dapat jumpa rakan-rakan lama dari mmu melaka.. oh the most excited part is that tgk reaction kawan yang hot ni kena ngorat... lol!
10 hari di Taiping.. terasa sangat2 lama... walaupun sekejap je.. tapi, terasa sngt2 lama.. the training was really just that the hostel.. well, i dun want to write it here.. i just want to forget bout it.. forget it forget it! agagaga..

setakat ni, aku rs sgt2 bersyukur sebab bos n kawan2 di tempat kerja mmg best.. they never left me alone.. selalu ajarr je.. thanks to u all..

weekend pertama bergelar pekerja, aku, anne, mili, intan and yani plan nak tgk eclipse. it turn out that yani x dpt nak joooiiinnn sebab erol tibe2 datang.. keutamaan pada pembinaan institusi keluarga diberi, kitorang ajak paru.. zass paru pun dtg sbb dia ingat tiket free.. sorry paruG ceq tersalah habaq.. typoerror.. maka dia terpaksa jua membayar kepada cikintankurus.. tapi cik yani tetap datang ngan encik erol  lewat ptg tu..

semalam kawan2 opis ajak tgk muvie.. tapi i da janji ngan my mom nak dinner together.. sorry guys. next tyme k.. sangat2 mahu ikut.. tapi janji mesti ditunaikan :)

p/s: i was so happy. thank u for fulfilling my wish dear love